Sunday, May 20, 2007

Postcards from the edge

Let me know if you'd like me to send you a postcard while I'm on the open road. Send me an email at Unless you are my wife or my parents, please include your address. It'll keep me out of trouble during those occasional 15 minute stretches when I have nothing to do.

My thanks to all of you who have added posts to the blog or sent me emails. I may not respond to them unless I have something to add, but please know that I do read all of them and I appreciate the thoughts. Each one is kind of like getting a letter in the mail when I get home. Keep'em coming.

We took advantage of our rest day and Lisa's boyfriends rental car and drove up to the Grand Canyon today. I'd been there once before about 15 years ago, but it's a site well worth revisiting. It was nice being able to sleep in a little and casually go about our business without worrying about tomorrow's ride. All 3 of us took a nap on the way back while Dan drove us home. I guess we're a little more tired than we let on, but we're all ready to give it another go tomorrow. 95 miles to Holbrook, Az.