Saturday, May 26, 2007

Hanging with the 'Rents

My parents drove all the way out to Santa Fe to spend my free day with me. We've had a great time walking around Old Town Santa Fe, seeing little artsy displays, sampling Southwestern food, and just getting caught up a little. For the last two weeks my entire world has been reduced to my daily bike ride and preparing for tomorrow's bike ride. Getting away from it for a day has been really nice.

I think that Mom needed to see for herself that her little boy was doing well. You don't stop worrying about your baby just because he's 45 years old. Pretty much every rider I've introduced them to has remarked about making such a long drive. "Wow, you must really love him" has been a typical comment. Obviously they do. Thanks Mom & Dad!


Tom'sMom said...

You are welcome. We had a good trip and knowing that you really are doing as well as you said makes me happy. Thanks again for dinner.

Unknown said...

Now that is above and beyond the call for parent of a 45 year old. You have the best and most supportive family. You ARE a lucky guy!