Saturday, May 12, 2007

My Wife is a Saint

Before I actually begin this epic little adventure I just have to acknowledge something:

My Wife is a Saint.

She has to be to have put up with me all these years. It doesn't matter what knuckle-headed stunt I dream up. She always supports me. When I end up in the Medic Tent after a race, and then decide to do another one, she goes along with it. After I crashed my bike and ended up in the Emergency Room I decided the only reasonable response was to spend $3,000 on another bike. She never complained. When I wanted to go away for 4 weeks and trek in the Himalayas with another woman she thought it was a great idea.

And now, when I decided to take 2 1/2 months off from my job, drop a ridiculous amount of money, and leave her by herself for 7 weeks so I can bike across the country, she's my biggest cheerleader.

She's never once said "Tom, you're being selfish", or "We can't afford it", or "What about me?" Nope, instead she brags to her friends about me, puts up with my mood swings in the days before the event, and gives me the time and space to follow my dreams.

I'm not sure what I did to deserve to win the Marriage Lottery, but I definitely won the Grand Prize. Thank You Laurie for being such a wonderful life partner. I couldn't do all the crazy things I do without the love and support you've given me all these years. I'm a very lucky man.

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