Sunday, March 18, 2007

7 weeks and counting

Launch day is 7 weeks from today. To be perfectly honest it doesn't seem real yet. I'm reminded of that great scene from the first Lord of the Rings movie.

Aragorn: Are you frightened?
Frodo: yes
Aragorn: You're not nearly frightened enough...

It still seems a little surreal that I'm actually going to ride over 400 miles a week for 7 weeks. No particular day scares me all that much. Maybe the 115 miler across the desert in week one, the day after riding 100 miles. That one is a little scary. But in general the one thing that I worry about is how I'll hold up doing this day after day. I ride 80 miles in a day all the time, but I never follow it up with another 80 miler the next day. I keep hearing that I'll "ride myself into shape". Time will tell. In the meantime I keep thinking that I should be more concerned than I am...

1 comment:

Tom'sMom said...

Don't worry, I'm scared enough for both of us.